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Alicia Walker

Alicia Walker

Alicia has been writing, editing, and creating content for leading publications and digital businesses across all corners of the globe for more than a decade.

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Zegal has a reputation of being like a family and this shines through with two sets of siblings employed in the Kathmandu office. We’ve shone a spotlight on Sriyanka and Samyak Nakarmi and now we’re going to highlight the great work and stories of Smita Shrestha of the Content Delivery team and Ashim in Sales Support. 
We get to know the siblings and have a look-see at what life is like in the Kathmandu office.

Smita Shrestha

Content Delivery Manager, Nepal

What are some of the day to day tasks you tackle at Zegal?

I lead the content team in Nepal. I manage the workflow of the content team and ensure that we meet the quality and timeline of automation for each legal document. There usually are one or two technical challenges to which we either find a workaround or take help from the tech team. One integral part of my role includes identifying the automation fields for each legal document and creating questions that are easy to understand and answer for any user without legal knowledge. Other than that, I work on ways for continuous improvement of the process and the team. Recently, we’ve started weekly knowledge sharing and brainstorming sessions which have been very productive.

What are some of the biggest challenges of your job at Zegal?

The biggest challenge for me was overcoming my doubts on being able to connect with the team without having ever met them. Client relations is one thing, but I had never been in a situation where I havent the met members of my own office. I joined Zegal remotely during the lockdown caused due to the coronavirus pandemic across the world, so I had not (still have not) personally met a single person from the team, however, after one call I realised how easy it was. They were all very nice and welcoming and the whole thing was a breeze after that first call.

What has been a really satisfying moment in your job that brought you happiness? 

The fact that my team is so connected and dedicated is what makes me really happy because I believe that any operation can only succeed in the long term if it has a strong team. One satisfying moment was in the week after we had our first knowledge sharing and training call when we realised how effective it can be in solving the technical issues that we face on day to day basis and reducing the recurring errors and more importantly, the cycle time.

What did you do before you worked for Zegal

I was head of operations in an Indian consultancy and outsourcing company headed by chartered accountants based out of New Delhi. The consultancy related to all the legal compliances applicable to an Indian company and the outsourcing services used to take care of overall accounting, finance and HR functions of a company.

What’s it like where you grew up? 

I grew up in Kathmandu and it is a beautiful city surrounded by green mountains and the ever so clear blue sky. I always love the sight of it after a rain, it melts my heart every single time!

What do you like to do for fun outside of the office?

I like to connect with nature, so I like to go to places with lots of trees and greenery. Usually it’s the parks and occasionally it’s a trip to the hills. On weekends, (well actually, it’s anytime that a plan comes up) I go out with my friends for a movie or simply a good meal. Other than that, I’m usually indoors reading a book or watching movies with great food. Whatever I do, good food is a must :)

What’s it like working with your brother?

It’s interesting. I’ve always seen him at home but never knew what he’s like at work. To see the professional side of him –which I didn’t think I would ever get a chance to see–  and to know that he’s doing so well, it’s been oddly satisfying. So far, we’ve had only one instance where we worked together, and it was an aww moment (even Daniel [Walker, Founder] thought so :D).

Sadly, I haven’t seen him in person since January because I’ve been in Delhi and he’s back home in Kathmandu. We see each other on video calls and I’m very much looking forward to seeing him in person as I reach home after the lockdown ends.

What’s the best thing about the Zegal office and team?

The best thing about Zegal is that everybody is so friendly, co-ordinated and hardworking. Teams are spread across three countries and the operations run smooth as butter; one could make out the level of teamwork here. Also, I’ve never heard anyone say no to a job. That’s the best asset any organisation can have and I’m glad to be a part of it.More incredibly, the leaders listen and value our opinions unlike the conventional do as I say, no questionapproach and that isjust pure gold, motivates the team to keep moving forward.


Ashim Shrestha

Sales Support Executive, Nepal

How did you end up working for Zegal?

I was studying in college in India before I joined Zegal. Once I was done with college I was thinking about returning to Nepal and conveniently enough a friend of mine told me Zegal had an opening, so everything fell into place, almost as if it was meant to happen.

What’s your day like at Zegal?

I was hired as a Sales Support Executive. However, I am also involved with Customer Success. I joined Zegal on 1st September 2019. Now that I think about it, its already been nine months. Certainly doesn’t feel that long though. Some of the day-to-day tasks of my role include sending out emails to leads, getting on a call with them, and handling live chats for support or sales. 

The biggest challenge of my job would be working different shifts and adapting my sleep cycle accordingly! I just love to sleep really, but then again who doesn’t.

What’s a great moment that’s brought you happiness in your job? 

I’ve got quite a few really, however being in sales I definitely remember the first time I got praised by Daniel (our founder) for getting us a good lead and more importantly the way I handled the lead. He posted in our office’s channel that he was very impressed, and that was really satisfying. Another would of course be my first sale in Zegal. Daniel posted on the office channel this time as well when I first had my sale to motivate me. This again was a really amazing moment for me.

What’s it like working with your sister? 

With the Covid-19 situation, she is stuck in India, so can’t really say what it’s like working with her. Also, she’s in the content team and I am in the Customer Success team so we are mostly busy with our own stuff. But we have an amazing relationship, I actually stayed with my sister when I was in India. I admire her a lot and we grew up together so I know it’s gonna be fun working together.

What do you do outside of work?
Outside of the office, I like to do a lot of things actually. I play drums, guitar and a  bit of singing too. So, most of my time is usually just playing instruments and occasionally traveling.

Can you tell us what it’s like in the office and any stories you have so far?
The best thing about the Zegal office and the team is that everyone is very friendly and helpful.  What surprised me most was how friendly and down to earth our founder Mr. Daniel Walker is. I’ve had  some of the most memorable times with him. Not to mention, my childhood friend Pratik Puri, and Sriyanka, who is also an old friend of mine, are in the same team, so it’s nice to be able to work with your friends.

 The most recent story i could tell you about is the trip we went to here in Nepal. There were  12 of us, Daniel and 11 of the Nepal team. We went to a resort and did all sorts of things there. We played pool, table tennis, had drinks and went rafting. The only problem was I, along with my friend Pratik, had never been rafting –or been in water– and we had no intention whatsoever of  going rafting. However, I persuaded him to face our fears and we did go. It was scary at first but as we kept on going it was quite an experience, I must say. The name of the River is Trishuli and the best moment was when Daniel taught me how to swim. I mean, how many people can say my first swim lesson was from the founder of the company I work in. That definitely helped me conquer my fear. It was a hell of a moment!

I’m still looking forward to a lot more memorable times here at Zegal. 

Watch out for more team spotlights to come here on Zegal Times

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