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As a developer, you’re probably already familiar with the software development life cycle (SDLC). If not, here’s a quick rundown:

The SDLC is a process that goes from planning to deployment and everything in between. It starts with the idea of what you want to build, moves on to research and design, then into coding and testing, and finally ends with deploying the product.

A lot goes into each of these steps, which is why it’s important to have the right tools at your disposal. But what are those tools? And what do they do? Here are various tools to rule your software development life cycle.

1. Chanty

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Chanty is a team chat app that can help developers and engineering teams collaborate effectively throughout the software development life cycle.

You can keep everyone on the team in the loop. This helps increase transparency and smooth out miscommunications by announcing updates and mentioning team members in charge through Chanty.

Not only that, but you can also organize your team’s communication in group and private conversations to share only pertinent information.

Some more useful features for your team include:

  • Using code snippets with dev-friendly formatting
  • Optimize your workflow with Kanban board view. 
  • Set the due date, control status, and priority for any task or subtask.
  • Send voice messages or conduct video/audio one-on-one or group calls for efficient management of your software development lifecycl2. e.

2. Eagle

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There are many features that make Eagle a useful tool for managing your software development life cycle:

  • Support for multiple file formats: Eagle can handle a wide range of file types, making it easy to manage all of the assets and documents related to your software development projects.
  • Categorization and organization: The tagging feature allows you to categorize and organize your documents, providing a second axis of organization to help you keep everything in order.
  • Quick preview: Eagle’s preview feature allows you to quickly view your documents without having to open them, saving you time and effort.
  • Powerful search bar: The search bar in Eagle allows you to find documents in seconds, making it easy to locate the information you need.
  • Multiple folder assignment: Files can be stored in multiple folders without being duplicated, giving you more flexibility in how you organize your documents.

Overall, Eagle is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your software development life cycle by providing a range of features for collecting, organizing, searching, and previewing your documents and assets.
In addition to this development lifecycle management solution, you will need other complementary tools. When dealing with large-scale software projects that involve complex data pipelines and infrastructure, partnering with a reliable data engineering company can help streamline the development process by providing specialized expertise in data management, integration, and analysis. For example, proxy services for successful parsing (such as infatica or similar) and other solutions for everyday tasks.

Working with a reliable software development company can provide specialized expertise and resources to streamline the software development life cycle.

3. ClickUp

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ClickUp is among the tools you can use to rule your software development life cycle (SDLC). It allows you to organize your team, assign tasks, track time spent on projects, and much more.

You can also use it as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to know who has done what and when. It’ll help you manage customer support requests, prioritize them, and ensure the right person gets back to customers.

ClickUp helps you create a plan for every project or task for each team member. It allows you to do the following: 

  • Break down projects into smaller tasks;
  • Set deadlines for each task;
  • Assign them to your team members. 

Each member then logs into their account on ClickUp and starts working on their assigned tasks till they are complete. Once they’re finished, they get marked as done in the system automatically. This makes it easy for everyone involved in the project to see what stage each part of the project is at any given time – whether it’s in progress or completed – without having to ask anyone else about it! Similarly, when you outsource app development, it streamlines the process, ensuring that each stage of the project is handled by experts, enhancing overall efficiency and output.

Also, this solution will do an excellent job of organizing the work of teams in different areas of activity. For example, if you want to know how to make an app or successfully deliver an SEO project and manage the team’s work efficiently, ClickUp will be a great assistant. 

4. Visual Studio Code

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Visual Studio Code is another tool you can use to rule your software development life cycle. From writing code to debugging to building and deploying, Visual Studio Code has all the features you need to be productive in all phases of the development process.

This tool is lightweight and runs on your desktop or laptop and in the cloud. You can use it alongside other tools you love, such as GitHub or Azure DevOps Services.

You can configure Visual Studio Code to optimize your workflow by adding extensions that help you do things like:

  • Write code faster with IntelliSense (code completion) and snippets;
  • Debug your applications with breakpoints, call stacks, and watch expressions that show variable values while debugging;
  • Show live previews of HTML and CSS changes while coding;
  • Deploy applications to Azure App Service or AWS Lambda.

Visual Studio Code is just one of many tools available for developing web applications, but it does have one thing going for it: it’s free! While there are paid versions of Visual Studio Code with added features, the base version is still quite useful even without spending any money on it. Moreover, collaborating with outsourced IT providers can further enhance the efficiency and quality of your software development projects.

5. Jira

A lot of people think that Jira is just for project management — but the truth is that it’s so much more than that. It’s easy to use, scalable, and flexible. This tool can be used for:

  • Project Management: Create issues, organize them into different projects, assign them to team members, track their progress, and see what everyone is working on;
  • Bug Tracking: Create bug reports and attach files or links to make it easier for developers to resolve issues;
  • Product Management: Create new product requirements, organize them into milestones, and track their progress;
  • Technical Support: Add technical support tickets as they come in (for example, via email), assign them to different engineers, and track their progress.

Jira also integrates with other tools like GitHub, Slack, and HipChat to allow easy collaboration between team members. It also has an API that allows developers to build apps on top of it as well as integrate it into other systems like email marketing platforms or customer support portals.

6. GitHub

If you’re a developer, there’s a good chance that you use GitHub for version control. It’s an extremely popular and powerful tool for managing code and collaborating with other developers.

You can use GitHub to rule your software development life cycle, from creating projects and organizing code to writing tests and generating documentation.

There are many other tools like it, but GitHub has a special place in the hearts of developers because of its popularity and ease of use.

This tool offers two types of accounts: free and paid. Free accounts have some limitations but are still more than adequate for most people’s needs. Paid accounts start at $7 per month and allow unlimited private repositories unavailable on free accounts.

If you’re looking for an easy way to track and manage the progress of your projects — whether they’re personal side projects or work-related tasks — then GitHub is worth looking at.

7. Maven

Maven will help you keep track of all the different aspects of your project, from compiling code to running automated tests and publishing your application.

Maven is an example of a build automation tool that’s often used with continuous integration systems. Maven can be configured to run automatically when changes are made in a particular directory or when certain files are changed.

Maven provides a central place for storing common code and configuration across multiple projects. It also allows developers to easily find and reuse libraries they can include in their programs.

8. Heroku

Heroku allows you to build, run, and scale applications on the cloud with minimal effort. Its core features include:

  • Deployment: You can deploy your app on Heroku in just one step;
  • Automated Scaling: Your app will scale automatically based on usage and traffic patterns;
  • Security: You don’t have to worry about safety because Heroku secures your application by default and uses best practices like HTTPS by default.

Heroku lets you focus on your application code and business logic while it takes care of everything else. Rather than scaling and managing servers yourself, Heroku manages all the infrastructures for you, so you can simply focus on building your app.

Heroku’s model differs from traditional hosting providers because it uses a “pay-as-you-go” model and only charges for what you use. This means no long-term contracts or commitments are required when using it. As the world moves towards more interconnected devices, engineering services for internet of things become crucial in ensuring seamless integration and functionality in software development

9. Slack

Slack is a tool you can use to rule your SDLC. It’s the best way to stay in touch with your team and get things done.

With Slack, you can easily share files, store them in the cloud, and access them from any device. You can also talk to each other in real time and search through all your conversations.

It’s a great way to stay organized and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Slack can help you manage your SDLC by making it easier to communicate with your team and track what everyone is working on at any given time. Here are five ways Slack can improve your SDLC:

  1. Communicate with your team;
  1. Manage projects;
  1. Share information;
  1. Plan for the future;
  1. Track progress.

Slack is an excellent collaboration tool for small and large teams. It makes communication easy by allowing teams to create channels that are dedicated to specific projects or topics of discussion. For example, suppose you have a marketing team that works on several projects at once. 

In that case, they can set up different channels for each project so that everyone knows where they need to be looking for information about their current task at hand or what was discussed last week.

10. Zoom

Software development is a complex process; many tools can help you manage it. One of the most popular is called Zoom. 

Zoom is an online meeting platform that allows users to connect via video calls, screen sharing, and file sharing. The tool comes in two versions: free and paid (both are available on the official website). The paid version offers more features than the free one, but they’re optional if you only want to use Zoom for software development.

Zoom is a tool that can help you manage your software development life cycle by providing the following features:

  • Communication: It provides real-time video, audio, and screen-sharing capabilities so that you can communicate with your co-workers without any interruptions. It also lets you share files and whiteboards on your screens so everyone can see what’s happening in real time;
  • Collaboration: With Zoom, you can host video conferences with up to 200 participants simultaneously. These participants will also be able to share their desktops so that everyone can see what’s happening on their computers. This feature comes in handy when multiple teams need to coordinate on a project or when multiple developers need to collaborate on code changes or bug fixes;

Task Management: This tool makes it easy for users to create tasks and assign them to other users within their organization. Users will also be able to mark tasks as complete once they have been successfully done by another user in their organization.


If you’ve made it this far, you’re ready to dive in and use these tools. You’ll be able to see a huge difference in your productivity and quality of work, which will make everyone on your team happy. But don’t stop there! Keep learning about new tools and methods that can help you be even more effective at what you do.
Tools are the most important part of your software development life cycle. With the right ones, it’ll be much easier to get your work done. These eight tools are a great place to start—they’ll help keep your workflow moving smoothly and efficiently.

Author Bio:

Roy Emmerson is the co-founder of, a B2B SaaS platform that helps businesses stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends. With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, Roy is a thought leader in the field and is passionate about helping companies embrace new technologies to improve their operations and drive growth.

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