Angel Investor vs Venture Capitalist
There are many options to consider when seeking funding for your small business. Learn more about angel investors vs venture capitalists.
5 Easy Ways To Minimise Stress In A Maximum Stress Job
Don't let the stresses of the job take their toll on your health and body. Incorporate balance to ensure your own wellness while getting the job done.
Customer Story: Parlour Group
This beauty group is big on making every customer feel beautiful about themselves in their own unique way. This fun brand uses Zegal to keep on track.
The Modern CFO: Cash Flow and Managing Accounts Receivable
Cash flow can be the biggest nemesis an entrepreneur can face. All the more reason to face it head on with an organised structure in place.
Tips To Handle Big Change At Work With Poise And Ease
Why do we all fear change so much when it comes to our work? Here are few tips to handle big change at work poise and ease.
Everything You Need To Know On Singapore’s E-payment User Guidelines
Singapore is fast becoming a 'smart nation' adding e-payment protection guidelines to further itself as a cashless society. Here's how users are protected.
A Letter To An Aspiring Lawyer: Why The Gig Economy Should Be On Your Radar
The way lawyers work is changing. The gig economy is having an impact on the way the legal profession will operate in the future. Find out how and why.
Change The World, Not Your Day-Customer Story: Muuse
Muuse is a revolutionary reusable cup company making waves by providing an elegant and smart solution for tackling waste. Learn More
New Tricks: How Can We Teach Lawyers To Adopt Tech?
Why do some lawyers find adopting tech so difficult? Are you rocking up to conferences to chat about AI then returning to a desk stacked with paper?