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Part VI in the Does The Law Matter? Incorporation

Start your business in the strongest way possible. Select the best business structure for your company by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. This introductory guide is intended to provide a practical understanding of key issues involved in incorporating and maintaining your company in Singapore.


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    Whats Inside

    • A Nugget of Historical Context
    • Choose the right form of business
      • Learn the various business structures and how to make the right choice.
      • When starting a new business, one of the first decisions to make is the type of business organisation that will be used in operating the business.
    • Shareholders’ agreement: necessity, not luxury
      • Starting a business with close friends or family members may seem to negate the need for formal arrangements.
      • A Shareholders’ Agreement (or a Partnership Agreement in the case of a business organisation set up as a partnership) is a legal contract between all the shareholders.
    • Protect your intellectual property
      • Protect your brand name
      • Don’t discuss your idea carelessly
      • Be sure you own your intellectual property
      • Arrangements with third parties
    • The New Hire:obligations and liabilities
    • Unfortunately, many startups or small businesses overlook these and unnecessarily
    • expose themselves to potential liabilities and penalties. These liabilities may even
    • affect the valuation of the company in a sale or financing transaction.
    • Other agreements you may need in the course of your business
      • Documents play an essential role in protecting the interests of the business and the business owners over the course of a company’s lifetime.

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