Our Most Popular Guest Authors (And Their Articles) For October: A Roundup
You wouldn’t want to miss out on the valuable CEO lessons, career advice, and the latest happenings in technology. Read on and keep yourself up to date.
All You Need To Know About Singapore’s Employment Law in 5 Minutes
While Singapore is a relatively easy place to hire employees, there are very few restrictions on the conditions which bind an employees to contracts.
Lessons of a CEO #5 :Screen Time.
Today it's our phones and our laptops and our decisions that control when we start and if we stop our working week, only we decide if enough is ever enough.
Is Cyber Security About To Get An AI Takeover?
Cyber hacks up 300% since 2012, and costing the economy $27bn a year, it is no surprise that the cyber security industry is becoming a highly competitive.
Lessons of a CEO #4 :Sit down next to me
I’m very much like many, (in fact most) startup CEOs in one key way. I’ve never been a CEO before and I haven’t been to CEO school.
The Ultimate Guide to the Startup Community in Singapore
A comprehensive guide to the startup community in Singapore - Communities, apps, groups, events, resources, and accelerators and incubators.
Lessons of a CEO #3
Have a knack at it! Websites that help boost sales productivity, inter-team collaboration, organizational communications and back office tools for winners.
3 Career Planning & Development Lessons From My Apprentice Asia TV Experience
The importance of career planning and development dawns upon many after several years (or decades). By then it’s too late to change career tracks.
Lessons of a CEO #2 :Fashion Foreword
Today’s missives are about startup fashion. The great thing about working in a startup/for yourself/at home is that you get to decide how to dress.