Business Management
5 Reasons to Set Up Your Business in Hong Kong
Hong Kong has ranked 7th in the world for economic competitiveness for the last 4 years. As a result, HK hosts the perfect conditions for your new business.
Business Management
Is Your Business Legally-Healthy?
When starting up – there is just too much to do and too little time, and legal falls to the bottom of the priority list as a result.
Business Management
How Zegal Has Transformed The Way Delegate Manages Their Legal
Now, all of Delegates’ partners can benefit from the ability to upload, sign and store their legal documents in the cloud!
Business Management
Coming Soon in Singapore: Legal Startup Academy by Zegal
From ideation to raising funds, entrepreneurs go through six phases when starting up. Find out the legal aspects of your new business without a lawyer.
Business Management
Setting Up a Business in Hong Kong: First Considerations
Setting Up a Business in Hong Kong: First Considerations: what kind of business structure is best for you? LLC, partnership?