Use Cases Zegal guides you step-by-step. Be able to draft documents in minutes by following the detailed guides below. Categories Board and Directors' Resolutions Business Setup Company Incorporation Company Policy Company Shares Contracts and Finance Matters Debts and Disputes Employee Incentive Schemes For Employees GDPR Compliance Hiring & Promoting Loans and Leasing Other Raise Funds Resignation & Termination Shareholder Matters SME Trade Software and Web Development Startup and Tech Trademarks, Patents and IP Board and Directors' Resolutions Business Setup Company Incorporation Company Policy Company Shares Contracts and Finance Matters Debts and Disputes Employee Incentive Schemes For Employees GDPR Compliance Hiring & Promoting Loans and Leasing Other Raise Funds Resignation & Termination Shareholder Matters SME Trade Software and Web Development Startup and Tech Trademarks, Patents and IP Board and Directors' Resolutions Set up your board of directors Business Setup Set up a founders’ agreement Sign an NDA Company PolicyCompany Shares Communicate with shareholders Issue new shares in your company Sell Shares in Your Company Set up a shareholders’ agreement Contracts and Finance Matters Amend a contract you’ve already signed Debts and Disputes Chase late payments Employee Incentive Schemes Set up your company option scheme Vest shares to an employee or consultant For EmployeesGDPR Compliance Generate a Privacy Policy Protect personal data Hiring & Promoting Appoint a consultant Appoint an advisor Hire a freelancer Hire a new employee Loans and LeasingOtherRaise Funds Raise money through a loan Raise money through a Preference Shares round Raise money through a Seed Shares round Raise money through SEIS/EIS Raise money with a Convertible Note Raise money with a SAFE Resignation & TerminationShareholder MattersSME Trade Appoint a consultant for a series of projects Make a business referral Partner with another business Sell products Sell services Software and Web Development General business Generate a Terms of Use Startup and TechTrademarks, Patents and IP Protect your IP Need a solution for your existing documents? Let us automate your documents so you can spend less time on administration and more time getting your job done Contact Us