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So, you’ve had a great idea for a startup. Exciting! Ambitious entrepreneurs like you are an integral part of the modern business landscape, disrupting industry norms and bringing innovative new ideas to life. 

But, how can you make sure your new venture isn’t over before it’s begun?  The pathway to startup success is riddled with challenges, and failure rates are notoriously high. 

As of March 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the following findings:

  • 20% of small businesses failed in the first year
  • 50% failed within five years
  • 65% failed within ten years 

Think how many startups pop up every month. The fact that 1 in 5 won’t make it to the one year mark is very telling of how significant the challenges can be. 

Don’t let these statistics scare you away from pursuing your business goals. They should, however, serve as a reminder that starting a business is not as easy as some people think. 

The good news is that we can learn from the mistakes of the businesses which went under. But, why do so many startups fold? What could have been done differently? How do you ensure your small business is one of the survivors?

By researching thoroughly, understanding your niche, and having the right people on board from the start, you can set yourself up for success. 

5 common reasons startups fail 

  1. Inadequate financial planning 

What is arguably the number one reason so many startups fail? Simple. They run out of money. 


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Cash flow problems are often named as the driving force behind a company shutting down. For startups especially, it is common to run out of money before breaking even and starting to profit. 

But really, burning through funds is often a symptom of another problem. By identifying the real problem behind your money troubles, you can stay on top of things. 

Many startups struggle due to inaccurate financial projections, underestimating costs, or not being able to generate sufficient cash flow to sustain their operations through initial stages. 

For instance, a company may lose more money than they’re bringing in by hiring too quickly, or investing in too many different initiatives before their original idea is ready for market. It’s important to keep operating costs low until your business is reliably bringing in cash. 

Additionally, most startups are reliant on investors’ funding to make it through the early stages of development. These investors may be unwilling to keep throwing money at a startup if it is not showing signs of breaking even in the near future. 

Meticulous planning is crucial to mitigating these risks. By accurately estimating expenses, creating realistic revenue projections, and securing reliable external funding, you can make informed decisions and be ready to make corrective actions when needed. 

Whatever the reason for your financial struggles, it’s important to keep a close eye on the situation. Ensure you have enough funding to sustain your startup for long enough to become profitable – perhaps by raising more money than you’re expecting to need. This way you’ll have a safety net and some room for error. 

Have a solid and realistic financial plan from the get-go. This way, it’s less likely that you’ll end up dissolving the company down the line. 

  1. Lack of market research 

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the excitement of having a new idea. For this reason, many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of just assuming there is demand for their product, without having the market research to back this up. 

You need to do your homework. You need to check that you’re launching a product that customers want as well as other details, such as,  what customers consider a reasonable price and what features they are likely to consider to be important. 

The best small business ideas are borne from genuine gaps in the market – they speak to a pain point, and serve a real function. 

So, extensive market research is key. Aim for a thorough understanding of your target audience, competitors, and market trends. Only then can you be sure that the product you’re offering aligns with the demands of the market. 

Without a strong product-market fit, even the most innovative startups will struggle to gain traction. You need to develop a product or service which really resonates with its target audience. 

Even if you’re sure that there is a market for your business in theory, there’s always room for improvement before putting your product on the market. 

Rigorous software testing plays a vital role in identifying any usability issues and ensuring that your product meets customer expectations. Continuously improving your product based on user feedback will enhance its fit within the market. 

  1. Unforeseen events

Yet, even with all the planning in the world, you can still be taken by surprise. Researching and understanding market trends is one thing, but what are you supposed to do in the face of a major market crisis?

The impact of COVID 19 on the global economy was something no one could have predicted in the years before the pandemic. This kind of disaster is known as a black swan event: a high impact incident which would have been impossible to predict under normal circumstances. 

For many startups and small businesses, this unforeseen global shutdown spelled bankruptcy. 

On the other hand, some businesses were able to adapt and continue to survive – despite having little warning or opportunity to prepare for the scale of changes imminent. 

While you can’t be expected to predict the next black swan event (they are, by definition, unforeseeable) you can certainly make an effort to identify and protect against the risks which are most likely to come up in the future. With an Auditboard risk assessment matrix you can cultivate an understanding of your risk environment, and manage problems before they overwhelm you.

  1. Ineffective marketing campaigns

Say your product does answer a genuine market need, and there is demand for your startup. This is a fantastic sign that you’re on the right track. However, do you have the skills to market this dream product? 

Often, entrepreneurs are experts in their craft but know little about the world of marketing. This sadly means that customers never hear about the product you’re offering – even if it would have been a great fit for them. 

Moreover, in today’s digital age, maintaining a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing is important to help your startup thrive and gain a competitive edge in the finance industry.

For example you could buy ai domain names as an effective way to leverage artificial intelligence for business growth and set yourself apart in the marketplace. 

  1. Problems with team dynamics and project management 

You’re in this game because you’re passionate about your startup idea, right? Yet, one person giving it their all is not enough. You need a team of motivated and hardworking individuals helping to realize a common goal. 

A successful startup requires cohesive team dynamics and efficient project management. Many fail as a consequence of poor planning, ineffective communication, or lack of coordination. To address these challenges, it’s crucial to build a team of experts who align with your vision. To elevate your startup further, consider exploring how to find a CTO for your startup someone who can bring technical expertise and leadership to propel your venture forward.

Sometimes, the problem is hiring the wrong people. Perhaps you hired too quickly and didn’t vet employees properly. It’s worth slowing down and building a strong team of experts who can contribute meaningfully to future growth. 

Team in place, make sure you focus on ways to incentivise employees without burning a hole in your pocket – remember, money may be tight in the early stages of the business. 

Then there’s the fact that conflicts will almost inevitably arise – for instance between business partners with different priorities or perceptions of their own role in the company.

When it comes to your team, set clear goals and deadlines, regularly evaluate team performance, provide constructive feedback and above all foster a healthy collaborative environment. 

Help your team out by streamlining tasks as much as possible. Take the analogy of pipeline game development. From initial concept to completion, pipelines ease the burden on developers and provide a roadmap to success. In the case of your startup, you also want to organize the flow of work to keep your employees motivated and on track. 

With the right people and systems in place, you can avoid most conflict before it even rears its head. 

Make sure you focus on ways to incentivize employees without burning a hole in your pocket – remember, money may be tight in the early stages of the business. In addition, maintaining accurate and efficient start-up business accounting is crucial for tracking expenses, managing cash flow, and making informed financial decisions.

Advice for a successful startup

Now we’ve explored the most common reasons why a startup might fail, let’s recap the key takeaways. 

  • Research is everything. The more you know about the market, your target audience, and the niche your product fills, the better. By doing your homework, you can predict market trends and protect yourself against risks. 
  • Plan for the worst. Make a comprehensive financial plan for your startup, and then factor in a ‘cushion’ just in case. Operating costs may be higher than you optimistically imagine, and it never hurts to be prepared. 
  • Set goals. Clearly defined goals are key to making sure that you and your team stay on track. Remember to also review these goals periodically, so that they continue to align with your vision. 
  • Streamline tasks wherever possible. Efficiency will save you time and resources while allowing the whole team to be more productive. 
  • Careful planning and understanding the potential difficulties will help to streamline the process and get your startup off the ground. By addressing common pitfalls such as inadequate market research, financial mismanagement, and poor product-market fit, startups can learn from the mistakes of others and navigate the entrepreneurial landscape more efficiently. 
  • Love what you do. Let your passion fuel your journey. Your unwavering belief in your idea is what brought you here, after all. When you wholeheartedly believe in something, it permeates every aspect of your work. 

Author’s Bio:

Author’s Bio:

Adam Stead – Content Marketing, Global App Testing

Adam Stead is a Content Marketer at Global App Testing, an automation testing company that has helped top apps including Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Craigslist deliver high-quality software in markets across the world. Adam has 10 years of experience in editing, content creation and digital marketing within the tech section, with a wealth of Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Project Management, Podcasting and Graphic Design skills. Adam has also written for other domains such as CEO Monthly and VMblog. You can find him on LinkedIn.