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What is a Goods Reseller Agreement ?

A “Goods Reseller Agreement” is a legal document that establishes the terms and conditions between a supplier or manufacturer of goods and a reseller who intends to sell those goods to customers. It outlines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties involved in the reselling arrangement.

What is the purpose of a Goods Reseller Agreement ?

The purpose of a Goods Reseller Agreement is to formalize the relationship between the supplier and the reseller, ensuring that both parties understand their roles and obligations in the resale of goods. It clarifies the terms of the arrangement, including pricing, payment terms, delivery, intellectual property rights, and any other relevant provisions.

When should you use a Goods Reseller Agreement?

This document is typically used when a supplier or manufacturer appoints a reseller to distribute and sell their goods to customers. It can be used in various contexts, such as wholesale distribution, retail partnerships, or e-commerce platforms.

What are the components of a Goods Reseller Agreement?

The components of a Goods Reseller Agreement may include:

  1. Parties: The names and contact information of both the supplier and the reseller.
  2. Appointment: A clause stating the supplier’s appointment of the reseller as an authorized reseller of the goods.
  3. Products: A description of the goods being resold, including specifications, quantities, and any applicable product warranties.
  4. Territory: The geographic area or market in which the reseller is authorized to sell the goods.
  5. Pricing and Payment: Details about the pricing structure, payment terms, and any applicable discounts or commissions.
  6. Ordering and Delivery: Procedures for placing orders, delivery schedules, shipping methods, and responsibilities for shipping costs.
  7. Intellectual Property: Clauses addressing the use of trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property associated with the goods.
  8. Marketing and Promotion: The reseller’s obligations regarding marketing, advertising, and promotion of the goods, and any associated cooperative marketing programs.
  9. Term and Termination: The duration of the agreement and conditions for termination, including notice periods or grounds for termination.
  10. Confidentiality: Provisions outlining the confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations of both parties regarding proprietary or sensitive information exchanged during the reselling arrangement.
  11. Dispute Resolution: Procedures for resolving disputes, including negotiation, mediation, or arbitration mechanisms.
  12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: The governing law and jurisdiction that will apply in case of disputes.

Who can be members of a Goods Reseller Agreement?

The members of the Goods Reseller Agreement are the supplier (or manufacturer) and the reseller. They are the primary parties involved in establishing the reselling relationship and assuming the respective rights and obligations outlined in the agreement. Legal advisors or representatives may also be involved in reviewing and finalizing the agreement to ensure its compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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