Pros and Cons of Subsidiaries
Subsidiary company-which is fully-owned or partially controlled by another company referred to as the parent company or the holding company.
Statute of Limitation in Businesses [2022]
To find out how statute of limitation its beneficial for your business read the article and generate an idea.
What is a boutique Law Firm [ Advantages of boutique law firms ]
The law making authority sets the law to maintain peace and order in the society.Boutique law firm also supports the same goal.
Promissory Estoppel – Legally Brinding Promises
Promissory estoppel is a concept in contract law protecting parties when promises are acted upon-making them binding under certain circumstances.
Contract Redlining: What, why, when, how?
Redlining is the process of editing a contract when two or more parties work together or negotiate. Learn more about contract redlining here.
Law Firm Marketing Tips
A few years ago, marketing a law firm was both easy and simple. Check out our detailed 16 law firm marketing tips widely used in 2021.
The Why and How of Involving Freelancers in Company Culture
An easy guide to helping freelancers feel like they're part of the team.
Our Guide to Supply of Services Contracts
If you're reading this, it means you're taking the first steps towards establishing effective Supply of Services Contracts for your business. These contracts will be an invaluable part of running your company smoothly and you'll thank yourself for putting in the initial time to put your legals in place.