Zegal Payment Terms


This is a legally binding document which sets out how you will pay for Zegal. If you have any questions about these Payment Terms, or require further information before agreeing to them, you should speak to your contact person at Zegal or contact us via Live Chat or email service@zegal.com.

Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms have the same meanings as defined in our Terms of Service.

  1. Contract term
    1. Our services are subscription-based and you must subscribe to Zegal for at least one year. However, there are two different ways you can pay for your subscription: once a month, or once a year.
    2. By subscribing to a Zegal plan, your subscription to Zegal will start on the subscription date and last for twelve (12) months (the “Contract Term”). It is important you understand that even if you choose to pay monthly, your subscription is for a minimum term of twelve (12) months.
  2. Automatic renewal
    1. Unless you notify us in writing of your decision not to renew your plan at least five (5) days before the end of the Contract Term, your subscription will automatically renew.
    2. Cancellation requests must be received 5 working days before your next charge date. If you cancel within 5 working days you will be charged for the next full month.
  3. Monthly payments – pay once a month
    1. We think it’s easiest for you to pay for your subscription on a month-by-month basis. However, we still need your commitment to pay your monthly fee for at least twelve (12) months. This is a legally binding agreement.
    2. By choosing to pay by monthly payments, you explicitly authorize Zegal to charge the applicable recurring fees to your credit card on the same date of each calendar month (or the closest prior date if there are fewer days in a particular month). There may be one-off fees for certain services (provided by Zegal or other service providers) that you purchase, those will be charged at the start of your subscription and from time to time when you purchase those services during your subscription.
    3. Subject to clause 2, at the end of your Contract Term, your subscription will automatically renew on a monthly basis at the then-current monthly fee.
    4. If you decide to cancel before the end of the Contract Term, you will be liable to pay us the monthly fee multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Contract Term as a cancellation fee.
  4. Annual payment – pay once a year
    1. You may opt to pay for your Zegal subscription annually upfront on the subscription date, and on each anniversary of your subscription date.
    2. By choosing to pay by annual payment, you explicitly authorize Zegal to charge the applicable recurring fees to your credit card on the same date of each calendar year (or the closest prior date if there are fewer days in a particular year).
    3. Subject to clause 2, at the end of your Contract Term, your subscription will automatically renew for another year at the then-current annual fee.
  5. Premium Plans
    1. If you subscribe to a Premium Plan, you may choose to pay your subscription fee on a monthly basis (in which case clause 3 will apply to you) or annually upfront (in which case clause 4 will apply to you). In both cases your subscription fee will comprise two distinct and separate parts – a software-as-a-service charge payable to Zegal for our Services AND a fee payable to the relevant law firm for their legal advice.
    2. If you choose to pay on a monthly basis, you commit to pay your monthly fees to both Zegal and the relevant law firm for at least twelve (12) months.
    3. Subject to clause 2, at the end of your Contract Term, your subscription will automatically renew for a further term of twelve (12) months at the then-current monthly fee.
    4. If you decide to cancel before the end of the Contract Term, you will be liable to pay us and the law firm the monthly fee multiplied by the number of months remaining in the Contract Term as a cancellation fee.
  6. Your details
    1. You must keep your credit card details up to date to avoid any invalid payments.
    2. You may update any of your billing information (including a change to your credit card) through the app; or by contacting Zegal directly by Live Chat or by email on service@zegal.com.
  7. Invalid payments If a payment is not successfully settled due to expiration of your credit card, insufficient funds or otherwise, you remain responsible for any amounts not remitted to us. We may, at our discretion, either continue billing your credit card (or a different credit card provided by you) or invoice you for the deficient amount. In the event of prolonged unsettled payments, we may, at our discretion, suspend or terminate your access to our Services.
  8. Changes to these terms We may amend these Payment Terms from time to time by posting the updated terms on our website. If we make any material changes to these Payment Terms, we will notify you by in-app notification or by email to the email address registered with us. By continuing to use our Services after the changes come into effect means that you agree to be bound by the revised Terms.
  9. Governing law and dispute resolution Clause 19 (Dispute resolution) and clause 20 (Governing law) of the Terms of Service apply to the interpretation of and any disputes arising out of these Terms.

Last updated 14 Nov 2022