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Despite its massive trillion-dollar value, the legal services sector has been slow to embrace digital transformation, and for good reason

However, the winds of change are blowing, and artificial intelligence (AI) is making strides within the legal profession, offering promising prospects.

Did you know companies that use contract automation see a 95% increase in contract renewals? This feat is achievable by integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning, whose algorithms can sift through extensive legal data, extract pertinent information, and deliver valuable insights to enhance decision-making processes.

Let’s delve into the realm of AI in law practices, supported by real-world examples that underscore its significance.

“As stated in a BCG analysis, companies may find relevant information in unstructured data up to 2x faster with AI-powered search than conventional techniques.”

Legal research, a pivotal aspect of any case, once demanded extensive hours, manual analysis, and the arduous task of sifting through countless documents—a process riddled with time constraints and potential errors. 

However, AI has revolutionised legal research into a streamlined, precise, and efficient endeavour.

Legal research tools leverage advanced machine learning algorithms to swiftly analyse extensive legal data, accomplishing things in seconds than what would take a human researcher significantly longer. 

These platforms adeptly navigate myriad cases, statutes, and regulations, extracting the most pertinent and authoritative information for a specific legal matter. 

Moreover, AI algorithms discern patterns within legal texts, simplifying the process for lawyers and legal professionals to gather insights and make well-informed decisions.

Empowering legal practitioners with efficiency and precision, Artificial Intelligence has become a cornerstone in their professional toolkit. By simplifying tasks, AI facilitates a shift towards strategic thinking, allowing lawyers to deliver heightened value to their clients.

Let’s overview some of the common areas where legal AI technology is being implemented:

Enhance document management

AI-driven tools, such as document analysis and management systems, substantially boost attorneys’ efficiency in handling voluminous paperwork. These tools empower attorneys to seamlessly organise, categorise, and navigate extensive legal document repositories.

AI’s inherent natural language processing capabilities play a pivotal role, enabling a deep understanding of intricate legal language and facilitating the extraction of vital information. 

This, in turn, eradicates the laborious task of manually reviewing and indexing documents. As a result, attorneys gain more bandwidth to devote to high-value legal work, fostering increased productivity.

Legal research shouldn’t be a time-sink for your attorneys. Here’s how AI enhances the process:

  • Effortless data summarisation:  Imagine never having to reread lengthy and complicated legal documents. AI writing generators have the ability to transform them into digestible and easy-to-understand summaries, With this innovative solution, you can easily speed-read through the legal jargon, thus maximising your productivity and efficiency.
  • Precision-packed search and retrieval: The AI search algorithms and Natural Language Processing (NLP) don’t just search; they understand. This means the research team can pose a question as they would to a colleague, making the research process more intuitive. 

It is beneficial when conducting research in unfamiliar areas, as it jumpstarts their research and helps them save time. 

  • Case similarity identification: AI isn’t just good at finding needles in haystacks; it excels at spotting similar legal situations. This functionality empowers legal experts to fortify their arguments with insights from past rulings, establishing a robust foundation for their cases.
  • Real-time legal updates for proactive strategies:  AI keeps legal professionals in the loop with real-time alerts on legal developments. It provides real-time updates on new cases, regulations, or legislation that could impact the clients. This proactive feature ensures they stay well-informed and can promptly adapt to the latest strategies.

ALSO READ: Beating Legal Complexity with Zegal: Exploring Contract Templates and Legal Contracts

Simplify the process of analysing and reviewing contracts

“Businesses can find key details in contracts and other legal documents up to five times faster using AI-powered search than they can with conventional approaches.”


Examining and reviewing contracts is a task that often takes up a lot of time and is susceptible to mistakes. AI-powered tools can help by automatically pulling out and summarising important contract details, terms, and obligations.

This lets lawyers quickly spot specific clauses, potential risks, and discrepancies, making the contract review process more efficient. Additionally, AI can compare new contracts with existing legal documents or past agreements, ensuring everything is consistent and complies with legal standards.

Leveraging AI-driven document automation tools, legal practitioners can streamline the generation of diverse legal documents encompassing contracts, agreements, and intricate legal briefs.

These tools can be seen as the “Asana” of legal document management, providing a centralised and efficient way to handle various legal tasks. However, it’s essential to explore diverse options in legal tech. Consider alternatives to Asana for a more tailored and specialised approach to align with legal workflows and requirements.

Take, for instance, the creation of a standard Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). With such a platform in play, the agreement can be generated based on a pre-set template. It takes care of inserting details like the names of the parties involved, key terms, and other essential information. This eliminates the need to start from scratch, saving time and effort in manual drafting.

The AI system takes into account provided specifics and parameters. It then employs this data to populate the document template, ensuring efficiency, precision, and uniformity.

ALSO READ: Contract Management Software (and Why You Need It)

Due diligence

AI can simplify legal tasks across areas like regulatory compliance and contract management. These platforms swiftly handle both structured and unstructured data, diving into financial records, contracts, regulatory filings, and public information sources.

Imagine you’re involved in mergers and acquisitions, and your client aims to acquire an innovative mattress company, Amerisleep. Your task is to evaluate the startup’s intellectual property rights, financial status, contractual obligations, and regulation compliance.

Here’s where the AI platform steps in, seamlessly integrating diverse data sources with minimal need for human intervention. 

It identifies crucial contractual terms, highlights potential compliance risks, and compares financial records against industry benchmarks. This allows you to concentrate on more in-depth analysis and risk assessment, enhancing the efficiency of your legal activities.

ALSO READ: What You Didn’t Know About Intellectual Property Protection

Overcoming Challenges and Ethical Considerations

The use of AI in law has brought up several ethical issues, including the influence on the legal profession, accountability and the possibility of prejudice. Some essential ethical factors to take into account while applying AI in legal research are as follows:

Addressing bias and discrimination: 

A key ethical consideration in using AI in law revolves around the risk of bias and discrimination. AI algorithms learn from historical data, and that data might carry inherent biases. 

Thus, regularly assessing and testing AI training data for bias is crucial, and taking corrective measures to mitigate any identified issues.

Transparency and clarity: 

AI algorithms can get intricate, posing a challenge regarding transparency and explainability. This becomes a significant ethical consideration, mainly when AI influences legal decisions. 

Artificial intelligence in law needs to be transparent and explicitly explain how the results are derived. As a result, people can better sustain trust, scrutinise situations effectively, and comprehend the rationale behind laws that impact them.

Consider an AI-powered tool that helps with sentence suggestions. If it isn’t properly explained, it might use intricate algorithms to recommend a particular punishment without informing attorneys or defendants of its reasoning. 

Now, if the system is open and transparent, it may make it clear that the proposal considers prior convictions, mitigating circumstances, and case law. 

Accountability and liability: 

Bringing AI into the legal landscape raises concerns about who’s accountable when things go south. Who takes the blame if an AI system makes a mistake or shows bias? 

Legal experts need to tackle these accountability issues head-on, ensuring human oversight and robust accountability measures are in place. This is vital to prevent any unjust outcomes caused by AI decisions.

Will AI Replace Lawyers?

When DoNotPay, a legal company, deployed an AI-powered robot to represent a client in court, it felt like a seismic shift in traditional legal foundations. Does this imply a future where all lawyers are AI-powered machines, ChatGPT drafts cases, and law firms exclusively rely on AI? 

Well, there’s partial truth to it.

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Like most other industries, AI adds much value to the legal space. But it cannot persuade a jury like a human can. It also cannot fully consider all the factors involved in the numerous strategic decisions, big or small, that arise during any legal case.

For instance, consider a complex divorce case where emotions run high. Lawyers don’t just analyse the legal angles of this case but also dive into the business and emotional dimensions. They’re crafting a customised roadmap for each client, considering their unique circumstances and values. Now, imagine trying to teach a computer to do that.

AI can handle some routine tasks, making things a bit more efficient. But AI fails to understand real-world nuances, make analogies, or have good old common sense. 

Thus, lawyers remain indispensable for their expertise in advocacy, negotiation, counseling, and solving complex problems. The human touch — encompassing wisdom, judgment, empathy, and compassion — stays at the heart of legal work, ensuring clients receive the best possible support.


Incorporating AI into law firms offers a multitude of advantages. From automating mundane tasks to swiftly analysing extensive documents and providing valuable insights through data analytics, the potential is immense. 

The key lies in a strategic approach— pinpointing areas where AI can maximise impact and efficiency gains. However, as promising as AI-powered legal research tools seem, the legal community must ensure these tools are transparent and unbiased. Their algorithms and training data should be examined to guarantee against replicating or even amplifying existing biases in the law. 

Lawyers must also augment AI tools with human legal analysis and judgment instead of blindly relying on them. If used responsibly and ethically, AI has incredible potential to reduce the time lawyers spend on research while improving the quality of their work.

Author’s bio: Shikha is a content marketing specialist with experience in creating compelling and effective content for SaaS businesses. With 5 years of experience, she has a proven track record of developing content strategies that resonate with target audiences, drive website traffic, and generate leads. 


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