Zegal Global E-signing Handbook

Whats Inside?


A Nugget of Historical Context

Benefits of Using E-signature

  • Managing paper can be a tiresome task. Add to it the possibility of documents being damaged, lost, or forged —these nuisances can be avoided using e-signatures.

How does E-signing work?

  • There are many software providers including Zegal that provide digital and e-signature software. These services empower businesses to send documents for e-signature with a few clicks.

Different types of E-signature

  • Digital signature
  • Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)
  • Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

Legality of E-signature

  • Many countries have passed their own electronic transactions acts. For instance, many countries like Singapore, treat e-signatures and e-documents the same as paper records and ink signatures.

E-signature legislation around the world

  • Every country has specific rules on electronic signatures and how to demonstrate proof of signing in a law court. Refer to our country by country e-signing rules guides below for country-specific information.

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