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legal documents
For a limited time all the Zegal’s legal documents are available for half the price
Robust, lawyer-verified contracts
Quickly create any legal contract with Zegal’s straightforward document builder. It’s quick, simple, and legally binding.
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1: Click a contract below.
2: Add your details to build the contract.
3: Claim your 50% discount.
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Most Popular Contracts
Board and Directors’ Resolutions
Business Setup
Company Incorporation
Company Policy
Company Shares
Contracts and Finance Matters
Debts and Disputes
Employee Incentive Schemes
For Employees
GDPR Compliance
Hiring & Promoting
Loans and Leasing
Raise Funds
Resignation & Termination
Shareholder Matters
SME Trade
Software and Web Development
Startup and Tech
Trademarks, Patents and IP
Legal Templates
“Zegal is easy to use, affordable and the platform is simple to navigate which makes the process of putting together a document fast and fuss-free.”
“Love the new flow/design, very quick and easy to use now. I have done 2 or 3 customer contracts in a flash over the past 2 days.”
“Consistently positive experiences with Zegal’s technology, and customer services teams, who ensure that our issues or questions are responded to immediately.”
“Using Zegal allows us to take a lean and efficient approach that cuts costs while maximising results.”
“Zegal is easy to use and customer service is responsive and helpful! I strongly recommend it!!”
“Zegal makes onboarding a new client or employee fast and simple.”
“Zegal really works well for all our legal documentation needs, and it is also user-friendly and mobile at the same time.”
“Zegal is like my teammate, helps me draft the right template, quickly gets my work done, and also saves me money on legal needs.”
“Zegal has been such a great help in my business operations.”
Company Incorporation
Legal Templates
Company Policy
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Employee Incentive Schemes
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Hiring & Promoting
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Resignation & Termination
Legal Templates
Shareholder Matters
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
Startup and Tech
Legal Templates
Legal Templates
“Zegal is easy to use, affordable and the platform is simple to navigate which makes the process of putting together a document fast and fuss-free.”
“Love the new flow/design, very quick and easy to use now. I have done 2 or 3 customer contracts in a flash over the past 2 days.”
“Consistently positive experiences with Zegal’s technology, and customer services teams, who ensure that our issues or questions are responded to immediately.”
“Using Zegal allows us to take a lean and efficient approach that cuts costs while maximising results.”
“Zegal is easy to use and customer service is responsive and helpful! I strongly recommend it!!”
“Zegal makes onboarding a new client or employee fast and simple.”
“Zegal really works well for all our legal documentation needs, and it is also user-friendly and mobile at the same time.”
“Zegal is like my teammate, helps me draft the right template, quickly gets my work done, and also saves me money on legal needs.”
“Zegal has been such a great help in my business operations.”